Napa Skyline Riders
Dedicated to encourage and inspire the active equestrian of Napa Valley.
Join our Group! Fun for the Whole Family!

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Valley Wide Calendar!

Skyline Riders
Club Meetings 2024
February 8, 2024
April 11, 2024
June 13, 2024
August 8, 2024
October 10, 2024
6pm at
Skyline Park Social Hall
There are 10 spacious horse camp sites at Skyline Park. Each site can accommodate 2 horses along with an RV, or tent. Each has a picnic table and water. Three of these campsites were upgraded in early 2022 to have pipe stalls. The pipe stalls were donated by several groups around and near Napa County - Thank you to: Napa Skyline Riders: Napa Valley Horsemans Association, Napa Saddle Jackets, Napa Sheriff's Posse, Skyline Park, Los Vaqueros and many individuals. Each campsite has 2 stalls that are 12'x16' each. Camping in Napa can't be any better with over 15 miles of trails to ride at Skyline Park - for more info and to book - click here!

Skyline Park is the only place in Napa County that has Equestrian Facilities open to the public for daily use. The Riding Arena at Skyline is available during Park hours. There is also a Round Pen, Patience Pole, and Obstacle Course. Each area is maintained with the help of volunteers. The park Riding Arena is used for local horse show events by various clubs and organizations. The equestrian area has a show office, bleachers, water/wash station, a Shaded Picnic area, and muck station. Plenty of open parking for equine trailers. If you don't have a riding arena where you keep or board your animal - Skyline offers a place to train, exercise and explore with your equine.
Skyline Park is a valuable resource for the citizens of Napa and its visitors. The Park is affordable for day use and annual passes are available.
Napa Skyline Riders dedicates its efforts to education and camaraderie. The group meets bimonthly at Skyline Park Social Hall. The creative group of members works to plan events and opportunities to bring families to the park, to ride, camp or learn about equines and enjoy the beautiful place that is our home.
Join Us! Use the contact form below or come to one of the many scheduled events listed on the calendar!
Download Membership App and Liability Waiver

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